Employees are the backbone of any business. They are the people who show up everyday and do the work that makes or breaks the profitability of the business, and so it is important that they are engaged and feel like their contributions are appreciated. Employee engagement and recognition programs can be effective tools for saying “thank you” for a job well done, and communicates to employees how good work does not go unnoticed. When employees are rewarded for helping to create a productive workplace through the work they do, they will be more apt to repeat these same behaviors in the future and add to the overall success of the business.
A paycheck is not enough to keep an employee engaged and make them feel as though their work is valued. It is the extras – like a pat on the back from their supervisor, implementation of their ideas, and the occasional tangible reward; like a gift card, that drives motivation and keeps them wanting to show up to do the job day in and day out. If you are interested in deploying engagement and recognition programs at your workplace, check out these helpful tools and secrets: